Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Finally, after years of pretentious hipsterism infecting the city bowl from the bowels upwards, there has been a come-uppance. And it's all in the name of charity, so it's 'nice' enough to avoid a tantrum from disgruntled city trendoids who take themselves far too seriously.

Just when the hipsters thought they could dictate the meaning of 'cool' to every a-store junkie from Kloof to Neighbourhood, some cheeky bastard started a spin-off website. Yes, Cape Town. Now YOU have a say. You get to decide what constitutes cool, and for the website's sub-24 hour run it's not doing too badly. Now you can laugh out loud at the hobo garb of hipsterdom, instead of sniggering to yourself behind your screen every time we-are-awesome 'features' a street kid with zero cred.

           The infinite search for cool has just gotten bigger.

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