Saturday, June 20, 2009

that's miss to you, danny.

Okay, so I officially feel like I'm the world's biggest LUNATIC.

All I seem to pity is myself because I went and got my heart broken a couple of months ago wah wah wah. and now look at me, still a mess with circles under my eyes and a significant lack of inspiration. god, I haven't had a good idea in what seems like forever. I seem to spend my life being bored.
it's like a disease.

i would not be surprised if somebody came and slapped me straight up in the face.

i tell myself i feel alone, yet when i force myself to go out even when i don't feel like it i end up feeling even worse. because i always seem to be right in the middle of group of people where i feel like the odd one out.
but still i do it.
what is it with me and things that aren't good for me? i seem to attract trouble and drama and conflict. i seem to be a walking bomb. and that ain't something good.

yeah, so what you're on about me?
pick me up, turn me upside down
buy me drinks
move out of my way.
yeah, perhaps i'm get me?
i'll do whatever you like.

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