Tuesday, September 22, 2009

this city's heat (without supervision)

i have come to question this frivolent morality, where kisses are not contractable but HIV is and drunkeness is a permanent state of mind. black label sells for a pennypiece and you swig it until you're swagging.

ah but the tempations of london town, where the girls are as loose as your skinnies are tight.
Gay pride is a national day, ecstasy is easier and party pills are your guarantees. Freedom of speech flows like milk and honey. You suddenly find yourself without a curfew, without supervision. lsd induced fevers take you by the wrists. a kiss is free game which leads to a one-night engagement that terminates at sunrise. we'll have make out sessions on the dancefloor, where no one remembers your name or even cares. sex becomes before love and courtship, didn'tchaknow? the order is askew especially when your visa is unexpiring.

would you take the coke with the others as easily as if you lived without? i dont think.

1 comment:

Maximilien alias Gamaliel said...

Drogs , sex , party ... I don't like ... no i HATE the mix of this things . You can live like this if you want , cheat on me , have too mush alcool , take drogs . That's how you want , but i will not . I always find my way to happiness and i will not stay with someone i can't trust and act all the time as a child . I don't know if i realy gone find someone else if i live you , but don't think i will not take the risk .

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